-One Year-
Got married, honeymooned on the coast, moved to Germany, lived in a hotel, lived in temporary housing, got another dog, filed our taxes, played in the snow, bought a new car, turned 25 (me), turned 24 (Chad), went to Washington D.C, moved into a German house, traveled to France, got degrees and graduated, traveled to Switzerland, traveled to Bavaria, got in a car accident, argued, yelled, screamed (especially after the accident), loved, hugged, and cuddled. We volunteered, had visitors, traveled to Italy, Austria, and Slovenia (?), got a job, spent time apart, spent time together, won awards, racked up frequent flyer miles (Chad again), with more love, hugs, and cuddling. We cooked our first turkey, spent time with new friends, and yesterday we got our Christmas tree. Today, we celebrate One Year. Tomorrow, we don't know but...
we're sure it will include more love, hugs, and cuddling.
Some pictures from the occasion (we celebrated on Saturday because we live in Germany and nothing is open on Sunday except for Church ya know.)
Chad knows how I like to start my morning...
We went to dinner at the famous TV Tower in Stuttgart...here Chad is holding on for dear life while trying not to get blown away at the top.
Sorry for the blurriness.... it was crazy up there.
We had dinner at the bottom, cake at the top, and then we went home and decorated our Christmas tree.
It was a lovely celebration of one exciting and challenging year....
(topped off with love, hugs, and cuddling).