
Friday, February 26, 2010

Today, will be a good day...

I woke up this morning and my first thoughts didn't include poop (well, they did, but in a good way), throw up, or more sleep.

I knew it was going to be a GREAT day. I guess I have successfully survived my first trimester (alone, might I add) and now I can go back to feeling myself. I plan on enjoying every minute since I know it will be short lived.

Anyways, after getting up I looked around my house and decided today would be a productive day. Actually, it has to be productive because I haven't thoroughly cleaned my house in 7 weeks. I mean sure I've vacuumed and thrown some cleanser around but that really hasn't put a dent in this disaster. BUT TODAY, I feel like I can clean 100 houses (all with non-toxic ingredients).

I also had visions of putting up spring decorations, sewing, airing out the house, and washing my car (although I doubt I'll get that crazy). I may even take these poor housebound dogs for a walk.

I figure even if this sudden burst of energy fades in the next couple hours I still know it will be a good day because...

I realize now that throughout it all I was never really alone...

the sun is up in Stuttgart...

and Spring is in the air.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

I'm going to say poop a lot today

Now that just about everyone knows we're going to have a baby... let me tell you a little bit about the last 7 weeks that doesn't have to do with snow.

While trying to avoid the topic of what was really going on over in Deutschland, the only topic I could successfully blog about was the weather. It was getting old. I also didn't want to blog for fear that I would barf on my keyboard. It's been rough.

Anyways, what's been going on over here in my neck of the woods has included:

extreme nausea- Mostly in the morning, afternoons, and evenings. And sometimes in between too.
breast tenderness- You must know that my breast pain has taken me back to the 5th grade... you know, that awkward/painful phase of preadolescence.
fatigue- the kind that allows you to fall asleep in the massage chair at work... and it wasn't even lunch.
peeing- lots and lots of peeing.
and the ultimate...
constipation- seriously... you're not supposed to beg God even before you've gotten out of the bed to allow you to have a bowel movement... it's not natural...

Well, I'm not really sure if this blog is anymore entertaining than snow but it's a brief synopsis of the goings on here on Wiesentalstrasse.

On a high note, my husband comes home in about one week. I can't wait. He's so upset that he had to leave me in such a state that he's ready to answer to my every beck and call (right, honey?)

His first job will be picking up old dog poop that has been covered with snow for 2 months. And some a little fresher (at least someone was able to go #2 around here...)

BUT, seeing that little bean on the screen makes not pooping for 3 days a little more bearable.

It took me 40 minutes to upload this picture and now my words are underlined and I don't know why. I'm thoroughly frustrated and I think that means it's time for bed. I must be rusty.

Anyways, here's the picture of Baby White taken on Monday by my German doctor who isn't much for photography. I saw hands and arms but you wouldn't know by this picture.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

A short story and an announcement...

The story:
Three months ago, my boss, who is interested in astrology, was informing me about being a pisces. He read that pisces are fertile.

The announcement:
On December 28, we found that to be true.

(my brother will be horrified that I put a picture of something I peed on in this blog but he can get over it.)

Monday, February 15, 2010

snow days...

My car is pictured in the photo in the right hand bottom corner. Can you see it? Me neither.
It started snowing early last week and continued until early this morning. It's a little out of the norm for the Stuttgart area and I think everyone has thrown in the towel. Germany is out of salt and Friday they shut down the military installations. I've avoided pushing snow around for the last 2 days and no one seems to care. I did manage to shovel my car out of the snow yesterday for a hot meal of chinese spring rolls and fried rice. I think at this point in my long weekend it's safe to say I'm experiencing cabin fever. One can only vacuum and nap for so long before boredom takes over.

On Season 4 of Sex and City...

Happy Monday!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

FEBRUARY 14, 2010


Mine will be spent indoors seeing that there's 7 inches of snow outside. I may or may not be able to get my car out of the driveway to go to dinner with friends... we'll have to wait and see about that. I'm also amusing myself with a Sex and the City marathon and missing my husband.


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