
Thursday, November 26, 2009

It only took me 6 hours but the jello is complete...



Chad, Amy, Meatloaf & Gnocchi

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Diary of a Visit: Vienna

Oh, you didn't know that everywhere my mom goes she makes new friends? Take my cousin's wedding this summer. She married a man whose originally from Austria and his family came to the wedding in California... my mom made friends with his cousin, Julia, who lives in Vienna. My mom had the brilliant idea of exchanging emails and letting Julia know they'd be in Germany. We also conveniently drove through Austria (twice) on our way to/from Italy. Mom decided that a stop in Vienna to meet Julia would be fun. And so it was (except the fact that Chad and I were sick... grumpy... cold... borderline miserable... which always makes for a fun vacation).
-Vienna, Austria-

I decided to post this picture regardless of how fat my head looks because it sums up our feelings towards the symptoms that decided to plague us.

At the base of a really cool Mozart statue... unfortunately, my mom isn't that handy with the camera and could find no possible way to fit us and the statue in the frame. And... I didn't really care at this moment.
Opera House at Night
Our Carriage Ride Through Vienna...
And last but not least... we braved opening night of Vienna's Christmas Market... and then went back to the hotel where the vicks was...
Vienna was a beautiful city with delicious food and kind people. We hope to visit again... and be able to enjoy it MORE since we'll hopefully be able to breathe and taste food again.


Monday, November 23, 2009

Diary of a Visit: Grado & Trieste

Grado, Italy

Trieste, Italy

I have no words... and I'm halfway done with the book New Moon and I'd rather be reading than typing. For now anyways...

I promise more commentary when I blog 'Vienna.'

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Diary of a Visit: Venice

"The Creator made Italy from designs by Michaelangelo."
- Mark Twain

oh delicious hot chocolate sundae...

holding on for dear life... the pigeons.were.everywhere.

Oh... here is my "please God don't let this gondola flip over into the murky waters" face.

leaving Venice...
Tomorrow... my last Italy post (for now) with Grado...
until then...ciao.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Diary of a Visit: Vicenza

I think that travel comes from some deep urge to see the world, like the urge that brings up a worm in an Irish bog to see the moon when it is full. ~Lord Dunsany

We stayed in an Agriturismo in Vicenza, was really lovely.
it had beautiful surroundings-
and the town of Vicenza was beautiful as well.

We also visited Bassano Del Grappa...

and then drove an outrageously high hill until we couldn't go any higher because of the snow...
Chad and Giulia built a snowman...
and then we headed home where it was warm.
Check back tomorrow for VENICE.
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