Officially over.
I am not positive as to what started it all. I just suddenly lost all motivation to take pictures, upload pictures, post pictures and b.s. about the said pictures. Looking back, something was terribly wrong. It's not like me at all. Well, it is like me to not want to b.s. but the taking picture part seriously baffles me.
If having a baby doesn't warrant some blog posts, I don't know what does.
So now I'm left with the challenge of playing catch up... you know... delving back into my iphoto library and rounding up the best of the last three months...
sum it up as a blog loss and start anew. Dang.
For now I'll settle on indecision and just give a little update until I get back into the swing of things.
Since my last post about Spain... life went a little bit like this:
- Snow melted
-Went to France with friends
-Went pregnant swimming (awesome)
-French waitress says baby is girl
-Snow & freezing temperatures
-Cry in front of everyone at going away party
-Do AWC version of Gangnam style at 37 weeks pregnant
-Sit around the house until 39 weeks pregnant when doctor threatens to induce
-Admitted to hospital for "monitoring"
-Go into labor next morning (funny how that happens) and give birth to our Ava on 12.12.2012
-Still can't believe we had a baby on 12.12.2012
-In-laws arrive on 12.12.2012
-Love on my newborn and her big brother
-Snow melted
-New Years
-Say goodbye to our friends
-In-laws leave, my parents visit begins
-Move out of only home our son has ever known
-Life packed into five suitcases and seven shipping crates
-Say goodbye to Chad
-Leave Germany (four years and fifteen days after initially arriving)
-Jet lag
-Sit in the sun daily, play outside, facetime with Chad
-To be continued...
In case you didn't notice, that was a lot of stuff to squeeze into a couple of months. I left out a couple meltdowns, Christmas markets and crying. Best to spare you.
I pledge to do better with this blogging bit but I promised myself that I would spend the next couple of months intensely focused on my children, being a tourist in the town I grew up in, catching up with old friends, playing outside everyday, eat gobs of local almond butter and enjoy this little vacation in California. Blogging comes second to that.
Ava Analise
December 12, 2012
8 lbs. 2 oz.
20 inches
(currently weighs 13 lbs. 6 oz. at 2 months)