I knew it was going to be a GREAT day. I guess I have successfully survived my first trimester (alone, might I add) and now I can go back to feeling myself. I plan on enjoying every minute since I know it will be short lived.
Anyways, after getting up I looked around my house and decided today would be a productive day. Actually, it has to be productive because I haven't thoroughly cleaned my house in 7 weeks. I mean sure I've vacuumed and thrown some cleanser around but that really hasn't put a dent in this disaster. BUT TODAY, I feel like I can clean 100 houses (all with non-toxic ingredients).
I also had visions of putting up spring decorations, sewing, airing out the house, and washing my car (although I doubt I'll get that crazy). I may even take these poor housebound dogs for a walk.
I figure even if this sudden burst of energy fades in the next couple hours I still know it will be a good day because...
I realize now that throughout it all I was never really alone...
the sun is up in Stuttgart...