
Monday, April 26, 2010

Our Saturday Walk...

Meaty and his handsome bandana.
Unchartered walking paths...
Meaty getting overheated...
Meatloaf being carried by Chad because he refused to walk any further...
Meatloaf napping.

.The End.

Walking gets the feet moving, the blood moving, the mind moving. And movement is life. ~Carrie Latet

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Stuttgart's Fruhlingsfest (Spring Festival)

What's a German festival without Crepes, Kasespatzle, and a Condom Mobil?

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

thanks for your cooperation

Baby- It's nice to finally see you.

Mom and Dad

Sunday, April 18, 2010

I'd also like to add...

that yesterday while Chad and I were at dinner, I looked up at him and asked if he thought the baby would look like Meatloaf..... he said he hoped not.

Then we both went on eating...

until I realized the question did not come out how I intended but that Chad thought I would seriously ask that question.

I have an excuse to have less blood flowing to my brain but I'm not sure what's going on with Chad.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

A beautiful Saturday... finally

The day the Lord created hope was probably the same day he created Spring. ~Bern Williams

Can't forget to include some photos from Chad's birthday bbq which included
Guitar Hero... as usual around here...and lots of cupcakes.
Also, here I am at 20 weeks*, realizing how big this belly is going to become.... (hello? scary!)
And finally after our productive Saturday at home, in Ikea, and in the lovely town of Echterdingen...
we all needed a nap.

Happy Saturday!
*Because photos typically sit on my camera for one or more weeks, there isn't always a correlation between when I post them to when they were actually taken.
Also, MATTHEW, enjoy the belly pic... that ones for you.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

April 8th

Chad's birthday is on Thursday. He's decided to throw himself a birthday bbq on Saturday.

He told me this about a week ago leaving very little time to clean the patio, pull weeds, wipe down the garage door, and remove cob webs. All things I believe to be necessary prior to having people over to your house for a bbq. I'm not very comfortable with this situation but I have removed myself from any/all responsibility because I wanted to wait until the following week which would give us a full weekend of spring cleaning but Chad hates that idea.

Chad would rather do some quick surface cleaning the day before and pick up dog poop the day of. That's all he thinks should be done.

I also asked him about the menu. What did he plan on serving his 20 friends?


Now, although I am relinquishing responsibility for cleaning (though I will leave him a detailed list for Friday), I can in no way serve these people ground up meat and be content.

Only because it's his birthday and I love him will I stay up later than 8 pm this week making pasta and potato salads, dips, and desserts.


Oh and our Easter was fine. We spent it cleaning, napping, and eating peanut butter M&M's.

Germans, however, do Easter right.
They get Good Friday AND Easter Monday off.
Lucky bums.


17 Weeks

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