
Tuesday, April 6, 2010

April 8th

Chad's birthday is on Thursday. He's decided to throw himself a birthday bbq on Saturday.

He told me this about a week ago leaving very little time to clean the patio, pull weeds, wipe down the garage door, and remove cob webs. All things I believe to be necessary prior to having people over to your house for a bbq. I'm not very comfortable with this situation but I have removed myself from any/all responsibility because I wanted to wait until the following week which would give us a full weekend of spring cleaning but Chad hates that idea.

Chad would rather do some quick surface cleaning the day before and pick up dog poop the day of. That's all he thinks should be done.

I also asked him about the menu. What did he plan on serving his 20 friends?


Now, although I am relinquishing responsibility for cleaning (though I will leave him a detailed list for Friday), I can in no way serve these people ground up meat and be content.

Only because it's his birthday and I love him will I stay up later than 8 pm this week making pasta and potato salads, dips, and desserts.


Oh and our Easter was fine. We spent it cleaning, napping, and eating peanut butter M&M's.

Germans, however, do Easter right.
They get Good Friday AND Easter Monday off.
Lucky bums.


17 Weeks


ALF said...


Rachel Haack said...

Happy Birthday Chad!

And Amy - you look so cute. Hopefully you're feeling as good as your looking!


Rachel Haack said...

"you're" looking...typos!

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