
Saturday, August 25, 2012

I like to compare Chad's homecoming to a hurricane.

It doesn't matter how much you prepare.... destruction is inevitable. 
Laundry will be strewn around your house for no apparent reason.
Clean, dirty, not sure? Chad is an equal opportunity destroyer. 
Since he lost 20 lbs. while at OCS he also has taken to eating much like a 16 year old pubescent boy. Anything and everything that comes within a foot of his face is fair game. My bi-weekly grocery shopping and meal planning has been thrown out the window and now it's just a matter of survival. I'm at the store every other day and constantly thinking of ways to curb my husband's insatiable hunger. 
Besides the laundry and the grocery bill, the most annoying part of Chad's being home is that my bathrooms remain in a perpetual state of nastiness and there is no explanation for this. How a grown man makes a bigger mess than a woman and toddler combined is beyond me. It must be one of those Mars versus Venus things because in the almost 10 years I've known Chad this has never made sense.

Despite Hurricane Chad's path of laundry, refrigerator and toilet destruction... he's still home and that makes Rhett, Meatloaf and myself very happy. 
Plus, I'm almost on top of the laundry situation. 

Another plus now that Chad is home is that we can go places where two parents are way better than one. Like the Zoo. 
The last time Chad and I went to the zoo it was sans children. It was a lot more fun this time with Rhett except that as we approached every new animal enclosure Rhett would scream "MINE!" and refuse to leave thus resulting in a little bit of a wrestling match between him and Daddy. That part wasn't very awesome.
Other than that, Rhett loved the zoo and it was a great way to spend a family afternoon.
I think this is what happiness must be for a pig. Total and utter pig bliss. After I took this photo, Chad told me we needed to leave to go see "real zoo animals." He's such a buzz kill.
Only a man would buy a nearly two year old wearing a white shirt a chocolate popsicle. Really?
22 weeks

I think this place is great despite it's 12 Euro per adult entrance fee because it's beautiful, 
they let you bring in your own food, 
and it's open 365 days a year which is like the
 rarest of things in Germany. 

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