
Tuesday, June 22, 2010

June 21st

The first day of Summer brought little excitement to the Stuttgart area. It was cold... then hot... then overcast... then sunny... then cold. It really wasn't anything to write home about.

Today, however, was lovely. Warm and sunny. Feeling a little more like spring when the wind blows than summer but still enjoyable. I walked over to Chad's office so we could have lunch together and enjoyed every minute of it's sunshine. Except on the way back when I thought my bladder was going to explode in front of the post office. I could have done without that.

Anyways, the only good thing about being forced indoors by inclement weather is that you get stuff done. Like 3 month old 'to do' stuff.... like, 'getting ready for baby' crafts. And so I did.

(wall decals from Ikea and blank canvases painted by moi)

Besides that... Gnocchi is still drinking out of the toilet and eating her own poop, Meatloaf can never go back to dog food that's not organic, and word on the street is that my husband is getting promoted. But don't tell him I told you. We like to keep those things discreet around here... Chad's so modest.

p.s. I'm officially third trimestering it. And our baby is 3 lbs. Our doctor told us that and then he laughed. Germans get a kick out of American's big babies.

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