Chad loves Halloween. In fact, it's his favorite holiday and he wishes it was his birthday (he actually told me that one time). I could do without it. However, since it was Rhett's first Halloween I knew we had to do something. I don't know what I was thinking when I planned a Halloween party- started inviting people and drawing up a menu but (thankfully) Chad had to work the day of the planned party and we had to cancel it and I realized that was a good thing once I became sane again. We did, however, carve a pumpkin (the term 'we' is used loosely here) and I made some appetizers for Jill and me while we soothed crying babies. Rhett was a bat (thanks, Nonni!) and Lauren was supposed to be a hot chili pepper but she wasn't fond of her costume so she was just Lauren. We had three German trick or treaters stop by on the 30th. They loved Meatloaf and I gave them gobs of candy because I had purchased a lot and trick or treating isn't that popular in these parts. Overall, it was an uneventful and restful Halloween weekend.
Happy Halloween!
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