
Tuesday, August 4, 2009

So Chad threw me a surprise party...

you may have heard considering it took place a month ago. July 4th to be exact. I really haven't wanted to blog about it because I hate surprises. I even told Chad days before the party that I did not want him to give me a party... no party. NO PARTY. I thought he would listen but no. I believe Chad thinks that I secretly like surprises and I just do the "I hate surprises" for the drama. But no, Chad, I really don't like them.

At this party I had my flea market outfit on and was having cramps. I also put my makeup on in the car so you can imagine what I looked like. That's one of the problems with surprise parties... all the guests look better than the party girl because they all KNOW... and she does not.
The other problem is that your plans for the day are totally ruined because you have to be out of the house. I had to leave my cookie making (half way through) to go see a friend. I should have caught on when Kendra told me she told our friend we'd visit. Normally a person like Kendra wouldn't make such plans without asking me first. I'm really surprised I was such a good sport.

Anyways, to please Chad I thought I should post some pictures because he has asked me if I've blogged about the event and I don't want to break his little heart by telling him no (again... and again...). So here's our July 4th/Amy's SURPRISE graduation party photos... enjoy!

Yes, I'm aware Governor's is spelled wrong.

All in all, the party was fun and I had a good time. There will be no more surprise parties in my future though.

Oh and this has nothing to do with the party... I just found it written on my recipe and thought it was cute. Okay, Chad. I get it.


Anonymous said...

I am so happy that a celebration took place, your hard work and degree needed to be aknowledged. I noticed that you changed your outfit? That was quite a party with the band and all...Chad is a good man! Auntie Lori

Anonymous said...

glad to hear the tunes are back!

Rachel Haack said...

Love the tunes and ESPECIALLY love that you have such a great guy to do something so sweet for you!

ALF said...

How sweet! I LOVE surprises. Tell Chad he can throw me a surprise party any time he wants. Congrats again on your degree!

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