
Friday, February 26, 2010

Today, will be a good day...

I woke up this morning and my first thoughts didn't include poop (well, they did, but in a good way), throw up, or more sleep.

I knew it was going to be a GREAT day. I guess I have successfully survived my first trimester (alone, might I add) and now I can go back to feeling myself. I plan on enjoying every minute since I know it will be short lived.

Anyways, after getting up I looked around my house and decided today would be a productive day. Actually, it has to be productive because I haven't thoroughly cleaned my house in 7 weeks. I mean sure I've vacuumed and thrown some cleanser around but that really hasn't put a dent in this disaster. BUT TODAY, I feel like I can clean 100 houses (all with non-toxic ingredients).

I also had visions of putting up spring decorations, sewing, airing out the house, and washing my car (although I doubt I'll get that crazy). I may even take these poor housebound dogs for a walk.

I figure even if this sudden burst of energy fades in the next couple hours I still know it will be a good day because...

I realize now that throughout it all I was never really alone...

the sun is up in Stuttgart...

and Spring is in the air.

1 comment:

Rachel Haack said...

Oh Amy, I cannot believe how tough you are -surviving all of that sick misery alone! I am such a wimp! I'm so sorry you were feeling so bad. But remember this: I always told myself that every time I threw up and felt horrible that my baby was just working on becoming EXTRA cute (shhh, don't pass this theory on to women who DON'T get sick..haha).

You're entering the best trimester now. Sounds like your already getting to enjoy it!

Happy Spring!


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