
Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Let's just pretend I was never gone.

For the past month we did some of this...
Lots of this...
Lord knows too much of THIS...
Enjoyed this...
definitely this...
this (minus the allergies part)...
and a little too much of this. Seriously. Too much of a good thing.
Somewhere between December and February we started feeling really out of sorts.
Bad news. Bad news. Bad news. Miscarriage.
By February 15, we needed a break. Officially.
The only place to go when you're like that is "home."
You know... the home where you grew up in.
Where it doesn't matter how it's changed since you've left- it still feels the same.
Where you know the back streets.
The neighbors.
Oh, You know that place.
So that's where we have been... doing all sorts of things fabulously outside of our routine.
And although there is so much to share, and I promise I will,
jet lag has gotten the best of me today.
But tomorrow has promise.
Until then...


Susann said...

dear sweet friend - i was worries not to read from you and you were in my prayers a lot!

I miss you a lot! Your baby boy is so big now and he worn stop growing ...

Stay focused and enjoy the spring

Susann Harding

Amy said...

Susann! I'm here! Thank you! Your prayers are appreciated. Rhett is quite the big boy now!

We're having a lovely German spring so far. =)

Hope all is well with you!


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