
Friday, March 23, 2012

So yesterday wasn't very promising...

yeah, about that.
I sincerely planned on blogging yesterday but the weather was so nice that it called us to the park, for a dog walk and a chit chat with our neighbor.
Plus, we have to stock up on our Vitamin D whenever we can here in Stuttgart.

Speaking of nice weather... I'm so happy to still have some sunshine in my life for it would have made the transition from California to Germany that much more difficult if it had been gray.

Rhett & I got incredibly spoiled the last 4 weeks with gobs of gorgeous rays.
We did some lovely day trips but mostly the little man and I were consumed by bubbles, sidewalk chalk, wagon rides and hummingbirds.
Oh and In & Out.
Exactly what comes to mind when I think- California.
Besides family that is.

If Rhett could speak words that don't sound alien and make sense of what he's just been through he'd probably tell you his favorite part of the trip was flying the kite with Papa.
Or playing with his cousins.
Or going outside with Nonni in the mornings.

Actually, I'm not really sure what he'd say because he looked like he enjoyed it all.
I would like to add here that on this trip Rhett outgrew the pants below and the shoes. All the sunshine maybe?

Oh "home", you were good to us-
but damn, it feels good to be home.

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