
Monday, March 9, 2009

I never did like numbers.

I'm 25 years old tomorrow. As if that was not bad enough, I have to turn 25 twice. Come 5:09 tomorrow morning I (in my mind) will be 25. Come 5:09 eight hours later in California, my mom will consider me 25. I guess it's not every birthday you turn the same age twice... you also don't become a quarter-of-a-Century old, nor get to celebrate it on two continents. For those reasons it deserves a little reflection.

I've heard in the grand scheme of things that 25 years of age is young. How do you explain it then if you're driving a 25 year old car.... which means you're driving something coughed up from the 80's... it's now old, or out of date. I've found the only instance where 25 is not considered 'old' (again, in MY opinion... it is my birthday!) is when it constitutes rings in trees or turtles. The trees and turtles do not count because they live 120 years or something ridiculous like that. In those instances, 25 is not old but I guess it's all relative.

Anyways, now that we all know I think 25 is semi-old (again... relative to my existance)... but since I refuse to let any birthday go by without serious contemplating... this is what I've come up with in my 25 years...

1) The saying goes, 'Live each day like it's your last,' however, I find it much more interesting to live it like your first... open, new & gitty with anticipation.

2)Love your family. Love your family. Love your family. I am so lucky because at 25, my family is growing & multiplying much quicker than it is diminishing. There's nothing short of amazing to hold a new little person, one who did not exist the day before, in your arms.

Giulia & Amy January 2006

3) Education is important but it's not everything. I think I've earned the right to say this because in my 25 years, I've spent 20 of them in academic institutions. I learned some good stuff there but the most important things about life I learned from my Grandpa and my dog. (More on that another day.)

A Meatloaf in the sun. April 2008

Grandpa and Amy. March 2005

4) Memories will fade... even if stoked continually... some things will disappear... some will remain... I'm still not sure why some stay longer than others. Thank God that we can perpetually 'freeze' memories nowadays courtesy of our Kodaks and Canons. You never know when you'll take a picture just because... and one day it becomes one of the smartest moves you've ever made. Here's one I took... it's not edited, cropped, or professional by any means... but it's great none the less.

Grandpa playing Nintendo's 'Duck Hunt.'

5) Even if you're scared for your life, don't run for the hills. You see, I used to be scared of a lot of things... the Giant Dipper, or all roller coasters in general, jumping off diving boards, removing my earrings (ugh, Lisa), and somethings still frighten me (flying, drowning, unibrows) but you must keep on or miss out. Those are your only options. So I'm keeping on. (Thanks Donna!)

It's been good.

(I can only imagine how much I'll know when I'm 50.)

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Great pictures--especially of Grandpa. I guess I will never be forgiven for the earring incident!!!

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