
Saturday, March 7, 2009

I try to make sense of it all.

So the other day in lovely Stuttgart, Germany... it decided to snow again. It did not even snow enough to be worthwhile, just enough to cause staus (traffic jams) on the autobahn and make the grassy hills around here quite slick. We cancelled our day trip to France in fear that it would be snowing the whole way there and were glad of it when we woke up to... snow. I'm not sure when Mother Nature decided to turn it all around and give us this glorious day (seen in pictures below). We're on for France next weekend....

Stuttgart+handsome soldier+cute pooches= MY LIFE!

Me and My Little Man!

Blustery but beautiful...

On top of the World.

And Chad has been asking me for days if I've blogged about my 25th birthday present... so I can finally say 'yes'... here it is in all it's glory.

It's not a Mercedes, or a BMW... but it's mine...

and it's a gift from my husband...
and I love it.


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