
Wednesday, May 13, 2009

You might have noticed...

the lack of bloggage. Actually, I've been avoiding it like the plague. You see, I knew that if I blogged I would have to include the fact that I should be unpacking the 100+ boxes that are sitting idle in every room of this house. I take that back, I'm down to like 40 boxes now, which is definite progress considering the size of this type of task. What makes it an even more astronomical task is the fact that it was never designed as a one person job. Unfortunately, as many military spouses will tell you at one time or another.... unpacking a household of belongings is included in the job description (I must have skipped that part) and so I un-pack a little each day.

Today, I unpacked two picture frames, a chopper, and six scarves. Oh and I put away some underwear. A handyman is coming over today and I figured it might be awkward for him and for me if he saw my undies just laying around like they have been for 4 days. But now I'm tired and taking a break via blogging.

In addition to suffering from asphyxiation via cardboard, I am also waiting patiently to hear how Chad's competition went this week. He's been in Northern Germany competing in the Europe wide NCO of the year. He didn't call last night (he might have had night navigation) so I am clueless as to how it's all going. He'll be home tonight. He has tomorrow off, but on Friday he leaves for Switzerland (again, me and the boxes are stuck at home) for a ruck march, male-bonding, ego-boosting trip. We have made a promise to each other to do something "really fun" when I finish school (hello, can't wait.)

Well, I think this break really helped because I feel a second wind coming on. Maybe I'll try to fight off the "overwhelmed" feelings and stick to un-packing... or maybe I'll just go take a nap.

[I purposefully did not post any pictures for two reasons. 1) You might be terrified at the sight of our current living conditions, 2) I have a GREAT vision for a before and after blog. Coming soon.]

1 comment:

Rachel Haack said...

I'm excited! I love before and afters....

No pressure though, I'll just be waiting.


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