
Saturday, January 30, 2010

snow melt[down]

I almost just had a meltdown while shoveling/pushing snow around in the front yard. I put off clearing our sidewalk until 430 pm. All day I kept telling myself to go out there and clear the sidewalk. I'm not feeling good and my nose hurts so that was my excuse. Unfortunately, if a German slips and falls on my unclear sidewalk they probably won't give a shit. And so... I started with the shovel. All it did was make this horrendous noise without doing much to remove the snow. Then I got the push broom. It helped move the fluffy new stuff but the hard icy under layer wasn't budging. I tried switching off. I tried breaking it up with my boot. I tried jabbing it with the shovel. After about 10 minutes of this (and thinking my neighbors are probably watching me and thinking this is hilarious) I felt tears well up in my eyes and threw my shovel (oh yes I did).

I then dumped about 10 cups of salt on the sidewalk and went back inside.

Now, not only is my sidewalk not clear but I'm also breaking German law by putting salt on the public sidewalk.

But like I said, my nose hurts so that's as good as it gets. I think the Germans are getting a little picky around here...

Friday, January 22, 2010

Gnocchi (the dog, not the food)

With Chad gone now I always hear strange noises in the night. Noises I would otherwise just ignore or send Chad downstairs to investigate.

Last night at approximately 1230, I heard a large crash. It startled me. I'm not sure why I was scared considering Stetten is the safest place I've ever lived. I mean, Chad did leave our house keys in the front door once. He then continued to drive all the way to work and realized only after he got to his office that they were in the door. He drove back and the keys were still there in broad daylight and our house (and dogs) were secure. Our landlord also said that when he was young he left the garage door open all night long and nothing was moved or taken when they realized it in the morning.

Regardless, there's something already alarming when you're alone in a big house and then to hear strange noises is more unnerving. Anyways, since I knew that I wasn't going to walk around downstairs in my undies to investigate I used our stealth, secret weapon. Gnocchi. I told her to go downstairs and look around and she did (I kid you not). I heard her do a sweep of the living room, kitchen, and dining room, shuffling her hairy paws across the floor. When she didn't bark and returned alive I figured all must be well and we went back to bed.

This morning when I took the dogs out I saw than an avalanche of snow had fallen from the roof and landed on the patio furniture below. Hence the loud crash.

I'm really only writing this blog because I think Gnocchi deserves some credit here. And because I think I might have some dog whisper-er in me.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Chad's been gone...

Christmas 2009

for a little over 14 hours. I dropped him off at the airport this morning at 530 to catch a 640 plane to Missouri, where he'll spend the next 6 weeks. He'll miss all of Stuttgart's gloomy winter and return just in time for spring. Doesn't seem fair but that's the military for ya.

Anyways, since he's been gone I've made some interesting observations.

First off, Chad's been on laundry duty this weekend because he had a butt load of 'gear' that need to be washed before today. He also emptied a couple of our over flowing hampers and put their contents in the washer as well. I didn't go downstairs for 3 days. This afternoon, I braved the laundry room to find the tallest pile of clean laundry imaginable to man. You see, Chad ends his laundry duties when the clothes are dry... he then meticulously (or not) builds a ginormous hill of sheets, sweaters, jeans and underwear which waits for me to fold. He also left me to hook numerous pairs of underwear and socks from behind the dryer with a wire hanger. I might have to rethink Chad doing laundry in the future.

Also, when cleaning the kitchen I found a large stash of plastic grocery bags. Like a HUNDRED bags stashed into a corner of the kitchen. I'm not sure what he was saving them for or for how long they've been accumulating but I reduced his collection by 90% via recycling. It had to be done.

I also found two identical jars of salsa... both opened... both half way finished. One definitely had remnants of chips floating in it so I know it was Chad's doing. He also left me a used coffee filter in the coffee pot and a few shoe prints by the front door.

And in the midst of all this... I still miss him like mad.

See you in six weeks, honey. We miss you.

Friday, January 8, 2010

This time last year...

we were living in a hotel on RB. I woke up every morning at 6 not as a result of jet lag but mostly to enjoy the continental breakfast. It's amazing I was able to get up that early considering I was waking up multiple times during the night to dress Meatloaf and take him down 4 flights of stairs to go poop in the snow. It was also at that time that I learned Meatloaf didn't like pooping in the snow and I would have to carry him outside to the same spot in order to stimulate anything. I was a mean Mom.

Chad would leave in the morning to go do in-processing and I would stay at the hotel and watch Sex and the City. We only had a mini-fridge so I ate a lot of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.

We were living out of suitcases and I wore the same outfit almost everyday.

It was cold and there was lots of fresh powder. Everything was new.

This weekend it only seems appropriate that we would have a snowstorm to mark our one year anniversary of living in Germany. We'll be stuck inside watching movies, staying warm and Meatloaf will be pooping in 4 inches of snow.

Just like old times.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

back it up

I didn't take that many pictures during Matthew's visit. It was cold and I was tired. The holidays can do that to a person... or maybe it's just me. Our Christmas was spent playing Wii Fit and watching Harry Potter. Our New Years was spent at our Landlord's flat eating fondue and then watching Stuttgart light up with fireworks. Then I slipped on ice and landed on my left butt cheek. It could have hurt but thanks to the extra Christmas cookies I ate this holiday I kind of just bounced and all was well.

Today, we braved the cold and took a walk around Stetten. I walked more carefully this time and there are no new accidents to report.

In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks. ~John Muir

Friday, January 1, 2010


I'm alive.

Just been busy with working, fonduing, cleaning, and resting.

All in preparation for a wonderful NEW YEAR.

Looking forward to what 2010 will bring...

I'll keep you posted.
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