With Chad gone now I always hear strange noises in the night. Noises I would otherwise just ignore or send Chad downstairs to investigate.
Last night at approximately 1230, I heard a large crash. It startled me. I'm not sure why I was scared considering Stetten is the safest place I've ever lived. I mean, Chad did leave our house keys in the front door once. He then continued to drive all the way to work and realized only after he got to his office that they were in the door. He drove back and the keys were still there in broad daylight and our house (and dogs) were secure. Our landlord also said that when he was young he left the garage door open all night long and nothing was moved or taken when they realized it in the morning.
Regardless, there's something already alarming when you're alone in a big house and then to hear strange noises is more unnerving. Anyways, since I knew that I wasn't going to walk around downstairs in my undies to investigate I used our stealth, secret weapon. Gnocchi. I told her to go downstairs and look around and she did (I kid you not). I heard her do a sweep of the living room, kitchen, and dining room, shuffling her hairy paws across the floor. When she didn't bark and returned alive I figured all must be well and we went back to bed.
This morning when I took the dogs out I saw than an avalanche of snow had fallen from the roof and landed on the patio furniture below. Hence the loud crash.
I'm really only writing this blog because I think Gnocchi deserves some credit here. And because I think I might have some dog whisper-er in me.
Poor Gnocchi. She's like the monkeys Nasa sent into space. What a thankless job for that little girl.
P.S. Some of my laundry still smells of your detergent. My sensory reminder of Germany. Love you. Bye
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