
Sunday, September 26, 2010

Hard to believe

Last Tuesday, Rhett turned 1 month old... where has the time gone? Days and weeks seem to go by so much faster when you're thoroughly sleep deprived. And when you have visitors it seems. Visitor's visits never seem long enough in my book. Maybe I'm just not looking forward to having to clean my own house and do my own laundry again (thanks, Mom!).
Anyways, despite my lack of sleep, we've managed to stay busy every day this week. Tuesday we returned to Ludwigsburg so my parents could tour the palace and because their annual Pumpkin Festival is going on and Rhett had the perfect hat for the occasion.
We celebrated little man being 1 month old with pumpkin strudel, pumpkin cake, pumpkin muffins and pumpkin champagne (oh yes we did).

For three consecutive days I had asked everyone to be on the look out for the number '1' in an interesting/unique/memorable place (Ulm, Triberg, etc) so we could prop Rhett next to it for his 1 month birthday. Well... turns out... 1's are hard to find... at least relatively interesting ones. I had to settle for F1 but it's the name of a pumpkin and it says Oktoberfest and it will just have to do.
Happy 1 month my little man! You've turned our lives upside down... but we love you for it! xoxo

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