
Monday, October 25, 2010

The many faces of a sleeping Rhett.

The "that tummy time really wore me out" face.
The "I'm having a good dream" face.
The "this dream just got really weird" face.
The "I better sleep with one eye open" face.
The "seriously, woman. stop taking pictures of me while I'm sleeping" face.

Sweet Dreams!

To make up for my lack of posting, it's a two for one deal today.

2 months and 4 days

It is sad to say that Rhett's 2 month birthday has come and gone... without even a blog post. However, I am not going to make myself feel bad because all I need to do is type three words. Three words will get me off the hook for not posting anything about baby boy's 2 month birthday and they will be understood by every mother.
I was sick.
Being sick with a newborn baby pretty much stinks and also justifies the lack of celebration. I also feel the need to say that I was going to blog '2 months and 1 day' but Rhett had his 2 month check up, followed by a lovely series of immunizations which resulted in screaming and crying until 1030 at night. From both of us. The emotional toll of that evening sent me back into the throws of sinus trouble which brings me to '2 months and 2 days.'

Saturday, mommy slept until 1130 while Daddy and Rhett did homework downstairs. Then we went to Rittersport to buy chocolates for Christmas presents. Yes, I am aware it is only October (as my brother reminded me), but in these parts it is important to get your shopping and shipping done early or those Christmas presents quickly become Valentines. So.... chocolate shopping was done and some other Christmas goodies were purchased.

Then we went to church. Then... Rhett got bundled up for his very first football game. We concluded our evening with Thai food. When we got home it was 11 pm and I was beyond tired. No '2 month and 2 days' blog.

Sunday or '2 months and 3 days' gives me no excuse. Except maybe that I skyped with my parents and Carly (who gets here on the 4th! yay). But really... no excuse.

So today is 2 months and 4 days... and Rhett is tooting in celebration.

Rhett at 2 months.
Here is Rhett watching the game...
And Rhett cooperating with his mother's clever idea of finding numbers that coordinate with his age and photographing them.
Here's Rhett not cooperating for the 2 month photo.
And last but not least, little man (aka Grandma's little boo), getting in the Halloween spirit.

Happy '2 Months and 4 days' Birthday, our little boogs!

Monday, October 18, 2010

1:44 am

Last night, Rhett went to bed at 11ish. He woke up at 1:44 am and did not fall asleep until after 6 am. It was a really rough night. I watched Pride & Prejudice twice. That's a two hour movie, people.
He didn't cry too much... he just wouldn't sleep, wouldn't sit in the swing, wouldn't lay in the napper, wouldn't take a pluggy, wouldn't listen to the voice of reason or his mother's cries for sleep.
He just wouldn't.
His lack of sleep has resulted in a lot of this face today:

However, we're hopeful tonight brings us a little more rest and happy faces tomorrow.

Hear that Rhett? Probably not- you're sleeping.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Krautfest 2010

You may recall Krautfest 2009... where cabbage (kraut) took over the town of Echterdingen. It was glorious and I couldn't wait to take part in 2010's cabbage celebration. I also really wanted a bowl of kraut goulash. It was unfortunate that it rained all weekend long, but it was fortunate I had ordered a rain cover for Rhett's stroller so the rain didn't stop us.
Since the fest was so close to home we couldn't help but go both days (please keep this fact in mind when you read about the food consumed).
We really had to get our fill of Filderkraut... since it comes from our neighborhood and all.

Like last year, kids dressed pointy cabbages-
Veit Bakery baked kraut shaped brots (breads)-
The Annual kraut shredding competition was a big hit-
They had a 5 Euro bag of pumpkins for sale-
Interesting product displays-
And typical fest goodies.
This year unfortunately included lots of umbrellas (German's are unfazed by poor weather as you can clearly see).
They had new kraut displays.
And a new and improved town square to use.
But the most important part... good food.
Including the ever popular 'krautburger,'
Below are fried apple rings (I forgot their German name) and Wilde Kartoffels mit knoblauch sauce (wild potatoes with garlic sauce).
I also purchased this coconut marshmallow filled beauty. I don't know their name either but if you buy them from the grocery store they're called 'Dickmans' or 'Mini Dickmans,' both which make me laugh.
We also enjoyed this potato pancake type thing with fresh apple sauce, a crepe,
And chocolate covered strawberries on a stick.
Oh and kraut goulash... which doesn't photograph well so you'll have to take my word for it.

We're already looking forward to next year. Little man especially.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

::Just because::

They grow up so fast....

Top photo: (L) Rhett in his swing 13 October 2010
(R) Rhett in his swing 25 August 2010
Bottom photo: Rhett, 11 October 2010

Monday, October 11, 2010

boys will be boys

and wear camo (and multiple patterns)...
make eyes at the ladies (or lady aka mom)
they kind of stink (sometimes)
they hang out...
and stick together.

I'm horribly outnumbered but I love my boys.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

October 9, 2010

Delicious autumn! My very soul is wedded to it, and if I were a bird I would fly about the earth seeking the successive autumns.
-George Eliot
Shortly after this picture was taken Chad told Gnocchi to stop being a 'jackass.' He cracked himself up.
Do you spy someone hiding in this picture?
Our dogs always look before crossing the street...
And on a cool, Autumn day... nothing beats a warm bath.

I may have used this quote last year, but I love it so!
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