You may recall Krautfest 2009... where cabbage (kraut) took over the town of Echterdingen. It was glorious and I couldn't wait to take part in 2010's cabbage celebration. I also really wanted a bowl of kraut goulash. It was unfortunate that it rained all weekend long, but it was fortunate I had ordered a rain cover for Rhett's stroller so the rain didn't stop us.
Since the fest was so close to home we couldn't help but go both days (please keep this fact in mind when you read about the food consumed).
We really had to get our fill of Filderkraut... since it comes from our neighborhood and all.
Like last year, kids dressed pointy cabbages-
Veit Bakery baked kraut shaped brots (breads)-
The Annual kraut shredding competition was a big hit-
They had a 5 Euro bag of pumpkins for sale-
Interesting product displays-
And typical fest goodies.
This year unfortunately included lots of umbrellas (German's are unfazed by poor weather as you can clearly see).
They had new kraut displays.
And a new and improved town square to use.
But the most important part... good food.
Including the ever popular 'krautburger,'
Below are fried apple rings (I forgot their German name) and Wilde Kartoffels mit knoblauch sauce (wild potatoes with garlic sauce).
I also purchased this coconut marshmallow filled beauty. I don't know their name either but if you buy them from the grocery store they're called 'Dickmans' or 'Mini Dickmans,' both which make me laugh.
We also enjoyed this potato pancake type thing with fresh apple sauce, a crepe,
And chocolate covered strawberries on a stick.
Oh and kraut goulash... which doesn't photograph well so you'll have to take my word for it.
We're already looking forward to next year. Little man especially.
Um, yum. I wish I lived in Germany.
Those dressed up cabbages are awesome! Matti
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