
Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Tallinn, Estonia

I don't know what I've been doing for the past month. Is it bad to blame your baby's first birthday party and all the planning, cooking, cleaning, setting up, tearing down etc. on your lack of blogging? I don't know but let's go with it.
Rhett's 1st birthday has come and gone.
Most the time I forget that I have a one year old.
When people bring up the fact that, yes, Rhett is indeed one year old I find myself defensively trying to correct them.
But I can't because it's true.
Where did it go?
Where did the 6 lb. 5 oz. infant go that I brought home from the hospital?
I swear it was just last week.
It makes me sad yet happy at the same time.
Sad because he's just going to get more independent from here on out and happy because Chad and I managed to keep a little person alive (without killing each other in the process) for one year... one year and 3 days to be exact.
It's quite a feat.

Anyways, more about birthday parties later.
I have Estonia to talk about... oh and don't kick yourself if you've never even heard of Estonia because it was new to me too.
However, I ended up really enjoying it.

We lucked out in Tallinn.
The day before we arrived they had record breaking temperatures.
Stepping off the boat was like stepping into a sauna so we were relieved initially to have booked a tour with an air conditioned bus. Our first stop was Toompea Castle where we learned a little of Estonia's history. Mostly of which I knew nothing about. (Okay, all of which I knew nothing about).
Then we followed our guide to the palace and then to the Alexander Nevsky Cathedral.
Even though it was undergoing a face lift outside, the inside was beautiful.
This cathedral is an Orthodox Church and is built in typical 'Russian Revival' style.
Since it was built when Estonia was under the Russian empire it was supposed to be destroyed... as Estonian's felt it represented oppression under Russian rule. Thankfully, it didn't happen and has been wonderfully restored today.

After stopping a few more times for various sights, we found our way to the 'Old Town.'
We enjoyed the market there, lunch, and after ditching our tour... we wandered aimlessly before walking back to our ship.
If you plan on cruising here, save your money and forget the excursion.
Walk the 7 minutes to the town square and you won't be disappointed (unless it's the 2nd hottest day EVER-- you won't be disappointed but you'll be walking a lot slower... trust me).

Toompea Castle
Alexander Nevsky Cathedral
The church on my left was the tallest building in the world...
in 1625.
Old Thomas watches over the city of Tallinn...(below)
A really OLD pharmacy.
I read later that if you don't eat at the medieval restaurant in the square that you haven't been to Tallinn... good news for us because we totally ate there.
Their honey beer was delicious.
(If you drink too much though you'll have to use their bathroom- that means peeing by candlelight and washing your hands in a copper bucket. Oh and the toilet seat was wood.)
Once we got back to the boat we decided it was necessary to take Rhett swimming.
This kid LOVES the water. I wonder where he got that from? (ehem, me)
Russia up next!

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