
Sunday, June 14, 2009

One Sweet Weekend

Finally, we had weather like this...

(I seriously started doubting whether I had moved from Louisiana... we've had "summer showers" almost every day this month. ps: this is our view from the 3rd floor)

Also, I found these beauties on my tomato plant.

We got lots of kisses from this little girl...

We were invited over to take part in the consumption of this...

(Not to mention, Cherries always remind me of home.)

And I somehow managed to drag Chad to a German flea market where I made out like a bandit. Picked up this little jewel of a tray and have many plans for its future.

Awww, Summer.

What is one to say about June, the time of perfect young summer, the fulfillment of the promise of the earlier months, and with as yet no sign to remind one that its fresh young beauty will ever fade. ~Gertrude Jekyll


anareis said...
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ALF said...

Yum, cherries!

Rachel Haack said...

I love the good quotes you always post. It's been raining a ton here too! And we're in the desert for pity's sake...I am aching for a few hot, sunny days (but the girls and I did enjoy a fun bike ride before the thunder rolled in, and it was nice and not all bad).

And tomato plants?! Aren't you just making yourself right at home in good ol' Germany, growing a little garden.



Ps. I also loved your last post on you and Chad. Very sweet, and hilariously honest at the end where you mentioned him tracking mud through the house. What a guy.

Amy said...

Well Rae- I'm a firm believer in 'blooming where you're planted,' however, we also did it for economic reasons. We figured we'd spend 3 Euro on the plant in hopes it would produce and reproduce all summer long.

Glad you had a bike ride with the chicks... my mom sent me pictures from Alex's grad party... they're both getting so big. I L.O.V.E London's little pony tails. Precious.

Lori said...

Ahhh...I feel better. I am all caught up on Amy's Spot. Very entertaining. I love your quotes too. I also love how much you love being married, being a good wife to Chad and a great mommie to your babies. You are all grown up. Love Auntie Lori

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