
Monday, August 9, 2010

There's good news..

and bad news. Of course.

The good news is that our shipment arrived this morning and is sitting upstairs in the baby's room- neatly stacked and unpacked.

The bad news is that the shipment will be staying that way for the next couple of days because my poor husband has shingles (adult form of chicken pox).

It's pretty nasty- pink, painful, and blistering.

The doctor took one look at it and said without a doubt that it was shingles and prescribed something the poor guy has to take 5 times a day, in addition to a topical creme.

Also, to be safe, Chad and I can have no contact for like 10 days. Chad has been kicked out of the love nest and has to sleep upstairs. Even the dogs are off limits.

So on a day where I thought I would be ecstatic, over the moon, giddy with happiness... I'm instead feeling exhausted, drained, and itchy (although I'm sure that is psychosomatic).

Hopefully a couple days of rest and Chad's favorite dinners, we'll both be ready to go and set up nursery this weekend.

Wish us luck.

1 comment:

Jeremy and Amy said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your husband Amy. Hang in there! At least he got this before the baby came. That would be awful. These last few months are sooo hard but you'll be sooooo happy soon.

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