
Thursday, August 26, 2010

yeah, that hurt.

As everyone knows, Rhett Charles was born August 21 at 0757 in Boblingen, Germany. It was quite a surprise let me tell you! At 37.5 weeks I was laying in bed while Chad was eating Fritos. I took one and slowly rotated my heavy belly in order to hand a frito to Meatloaf and BAM... broken water.

I would like to add at this point that about 5 minutes prior I told Chad that I thought it would be really gross to have your water break in your bed.

And so it was.


Anyways, we went to the hospital where I took baths, rolled on a ball, received lots of counter pressure and after 8 hours, 8 cm, and horribly miserable pains received an epidural.

Then we rested.

At hour 11... we had our baby boy.

And I think I will be forever spoiled having delivered in Germany.

It was a.w.e.s.o.m.e.

But that's another story.
37.5 weeks and leaving for the hospital. Had just crawled into bed but the Frito incident changed things. Forgive me for the swollen face, no make up, squishy pants photo.
Below is half of the delivery room. This photo was taken after the epidural, hence the thumbs up. Had the picture been taken 10 minutes earlier I'd probably be holding up a different finger.
And that thing hanging from the ceiling came in really handy... I like to think it had a hand in my 20 or so minutes of pushing before Rhett emerged.
"I'm Rhett.... I'm new here"
Rhett being monitored after birth... in his German onesie.
Rhett had a rough morning...but he's still beautiful.
Rhett in his rolling crib... we wheeled this little man all over the hospital... and all the nurses told us what a sweet boy he is. Except one... she loved him but called him a 'kleine Scheiße' or 'little shit' since he stayed up all night and slept all day. Rhett's first german lesson.
Home and enjoying his swing.

Babies are such a nice way to start people. ~Don Herrold


Anonymous said...

Congrats to mom and dad white for a job well done on such a handsome little boy :)

<3 Amanda

Rachel Haack said...

OH MY GOSH HOOOOORAY!!!! AMY!!! CHAD!!!! I COULDN'T BELIEVE IT when I heard the news! You lucky girl, going EARLY! And with your first!

And boy do I hear you on the epidural front, once that stuff melts into your system it's like the world becomes right again. Praise the heavens for that!

He is BEAUTIFUL. So little and perfect. I hope you are doing well Amy. It only gets better from here, remember that!

Can't wait to eventually meet the handsome guy. And I adore the name Rhett. Perfect.

Thinking of you guys, take care!


Jeremy and Amy said...

He is gorgeous Amy! What a cutie-pie! I just got a twinge of baby-hunger looking at your pictures and reading about the delivery. I was laughing so hard about the frito incident. That is hilarious! I can't believe he came so early. You are so lucky. Thank goodness all of your stuff got there in time. Congrats to you and your cute little family!

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